The Daily Slice: Tiger on 2k25, Sanders to Cowboys rumors, so much social media “For You”

It’s Tuesday, and the week’s already full of action. Golf is making waves, other sports are keeping things spicy, and my “For You” feed is delivering the usual mix of gold and pure chaos. Let’s slice into today’s best moments.

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I’ve always wanted to play this hole

Even the best need coaches

Tiger on 2k25


When you’re more worried about your hair than the upright

Philly being Philly

Oh God

SOCIAL MEDIA – From my “For You”

Here’s what happens when you have a competent governor

Protect the salmon, screw the people right Gavin?


Wait, an illegal … tell me something I don’t know. Americans are tired of this $h*t

Is anything on Instagram real? There’s so much AI


Heard this song Sunday during the Washington @ Tampa Bay game

Author: Michael Shamburger

Michael is the founder and Editor in Chief of The Stiff Shaft. He's spent 15+ years covering golf for TheBigLead, Golfweek, and Golf Channel. Don't follow the hive-think mentality. Do your own research and form your own opinions.