The Australian Open is returning to the beautiful Sandbelt!

Two of the most spectacular courses in Australia will be home to the Australian Open in 2020 and 2022.

According to Golf Australia, Kingston Heath (2020) and Victoria (2022), will host the event after the 8-year contract that has it locked to Sydney is up.

Via Golf Australia:

GA chief executive Stephen Pitt was grateful to all clubs for their enthusiasm in the bidding process, but was delighted to announce that Kingston Heath Golf Club would play host in 2020 and then Victoria Golf Club in 2022.

“We were extremely impressed with the level of interest in hosting our men’s national championship from so many clubs in the Sandbelt,” Pitt said.

“In Kingston Heath GC and Victoria GC, we know we have two proven venues whose reputations will certainly be a lure to the world’s best golfers, especially in the competitive global climate.

“Both clubs have given their full undertaking to help us take the national championship to the next level, so we’re delighted to return the event to such fabulous tournament venues.”

This will be the eighth time that Kingston Heath hosts the event and fourth for Victoria.

Click next to see pictures of each